Pro football at N D - page 12



N o tre D am e Security w as co n ­ tin u in g its search yesterday for five m en w ho allegedly ro b b ed a b lin d N o tre D am e s tu d e n t early W ednesday m orn ing , said D irec­ to r o f Security Rex R akow . T h e s tu d e n t, w ho is legally b lin d , w as ro bbed as he w as w alk in g a ro u n d St. Jo sep h 's Lake at approx im ate ly I a .m ., R akow said . H e w as accom pan ied by a fem ale N o tre D am e s tu d e n t at th e tim e. N o w eapon w as involved in th e c rim e and n e ith e r s tu d e n t w as in ju red , R akow said. As o f yesterday a fte rn o o n , Se­ cu rity had no t a rre sted anyone in co n n ec tio n w ith th e robbery , said R akow . N o one from the N o tre D am e co m m u n ity is su sp ec ted in the c rim e , he added . R akow said th e N o tre D am e s tu d e n ts w ere w alk ing ju s t n o rth o f th e boa thouse w hen they w ere app ro ach ed by th e five m en . As th e tw o g ro u p s passed, they b u m p ed in to each o th e r , he said . A fter exchang ing som e w o rd s w ith th e s tu d en ts , th e five m en began harassing th e coup le . T h e five th en d em an d e d th a t th e m ale s tu d e n t su rre n d e r his w alle t. T h e s tu d e n t co m p lied , and one o f the m en took th e m oney o u t o f th e w allet. T h e m an d ro p p e d th e w alle t befo re th e five fled, R akow said . N o th in g w as taken from th e fem ale s tu d en t. T h e re w ere no o th e r w itnesses to th e robbery , said R akow . D escrip tions o f th e m en are sketchy , he said . H ow ever, th e m an w h o took the m oney w as d esc rib ed as be ing 18 years o ld , 6 feet, 2 inches tall, o f m ed iu m bu ild and w ith sh o u ld e r-len g th b ro w n hair. H e w as w earing b lue jeans and a red flannel sh irt. FR ID A Y , A U G U S T 29, 1986

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تاریخ انتشار 2013